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 The Bird, The Name & The CEO


About That Phoenix


Our logo is a picture of a fiery Phoenix. This was not the original icon. Our CEO, Kymmie Marshae was in meditation one warm June afternoon and in her meditation, she heard The Universe speak to her saying, the logo she had was not bold enough compared to her vision for the company. The next thing she knew, she saw a fiery bird as clear as day. She did not hesitate and  looked up the image to see if it was a Phoenix. Sure enough, it was and a logo was born!  

Kymmie likes to say, the Phoenix rising reminds her of how no matter what a person comes from or what their financial situation is, they can rise above to a higher Financial DNA and TILT the interpretation of Generational Wealth. When she teaches her Signature Storytelling Framework, the details that framed the rise of the Phoenix in her is often told. This framework is not only powerful to learn how to craft your story, but deeply intriguing and inspiring to hear.

Rise Above the Ashes or Go Make Your Own Smoke!


About The Name

The name, Financial Outlyers was an easy choice. 

Financial because everything we do is related one way or the other to something that establishes, increases or empowers the nucleus of what makes everything move....FINANCES!

We know Outlyers is usually spelled with an "i" instead of a "y," but hey we are not typical in many things we do. 

Okay, back to business. Outlyers can come from any direction and drastically make a major impact on whatever it comes in contact with! Outlyers are predictably unpredictable just like the collaborations we create. Just like the diversity our topics & speakers bring to our events! 

We strategically organize our events so you can, customize your financial leverage, multiply your money, expand your financial goals, and properly protect your assets. 

The tilt we put on you personalizing your interpretation for generational wealth instead of society... is our Outlyer!











Let's be clear, I know my assignment! My impact is intentional!"






                  "Let's be clear, I know my assignment! My impact is intentional!"

3 Facts About Kymmie

  • My son pushed me to start my business because of how many people he kept seeing me help 
  • Philanthropist & Military war veteran with 3 business degrees; a Bachelors and two Masters 
  • Self- educated in Forex, indices, commodities trader, crypto Analyst & investor

3 Whys of Kymmie

  • Until I die, I want as many people as possible to have the knowledge to build generational wealth
  • My purpose is fulfilled in my assignments
  • Financial knowledge is wrapped up in resources & can be a barrier to generational wealth if it is too time consuming, hard to understand or frustrating to find

3 Beliefs of Kymmie

  • Because I grew up poor in the projects with no financial literacy, I believe financial knowledge is non-negotiable to have
  • With the correct plan and work, anyone can change their Financial DNA & posture
  • I must leave my carbon footprints in the world. It is not enough for me to just be here

3 Things Kymmie Loves

  • Traveling, dancing, listening to live music, eating & spending time with my family and watching peacocks/horses
  • Helping people tap into their purpose & assignment in life
  • Tilting theĀ  interpretations for generational wealthĀ 





Not everyone starts out in life knowing about or having access to generational wealth! I had to "Train My Trauma" to get here! 

Using positive & healthy financial habits will help you begin to change your financial leverage points, so you can, be in a position to multiply your money. 

One reason Financial Outlyers collaborates with experts, professionals & influencers resources is to close the knowledge gap of generational wealth and help you redefine or define your Financial DNA. Your financial narrative depends on it!

Eradicating poverty and changing unhealthy financial habits begins in the mindset of a person. The mindset is what lends to your first financial habits. When you begin to change your unhealthy financial habits, it becomes easier  to see your interpretation of wealth.

We encourage you to focus on changing unhealthy financial habits So You Can personalize your Financial Blueprint effectively and not be in your own way. Financial Blueprints help you define an outline of what YOU decide to customize for your financial goals, so we take it serious.



Resource Optimization drives financial opportunities.

 Our events are your connection to increase your Resource Optimization! 

We specialize in event diversity because we believe the more a person knows, the more they can do. Our diverse topics and speakers give you more opportunities, so you can, create more leverage to elevate your money.

Putting your money in positions of multiplication opens up access to more and greater financial opportunities. 

Financial Outlyers promotes having financial leverage, so you can, take advantage of any financial opportunities that come your way and have the financial insight to expand your financial goals.  



The Reach of Your Revenue is in the Reach of Your Resources!

We know that when you expand your financial goals, your perspective of generational wealth will be based on your financial narrative instead of society's. 

Financial goals that are set up to grow, will always be run by people who seek expansions in their lives.

When you decide to say yes to choices in your financial goals, you create potential for money multiplication.

At Financial Outlyers, we pride ourselves on helping you tilt the interpretation of generational wealth so you can personalize it your way.




"Normalizing" Financial & Wealth Literacy!



To annually serve 25,000 people or more every year by helping them increase their resource optimization, so they can, grow the reach their revenue and create their interpretation of Generational Wealth with the highest form of Asset Protection Plans they can achieve. Generational Wealth MUST become Table Talk at Dinner Time!

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Be in the Know ~ Reap the Benefits!

Like being the first to know what is going on? Do you think the community members should have exclusive privileges? Well we think you should too! 

Joining our private Facebook Group gives you access to these benefits PLUS information about our events, discounts, and materials that are just for you or not yet released. 

Wait, wait, we are not done yet....


Added Value: Spontaneous giveaways, on- spot lives, & nugget drips happen in this group.


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